Development of buildings : During the development of certain buildings, such as the Research Center, it is not possible to start a new search. The level of your buildings conditions the maximum level of its two components but also sometimes the minimum level. So, think your needs, before launching a development level of a building. For your first level of the Power Plant, you get an energy gain of 100. For the Training Center, you get a Researcher and 2 Technicians. For the Research Center, you get a Laboratory. For your HeadQuarters, level 5 gives you 50 Processing Units (PU), the level 10 will give you 100 PU, the level 15 will give you 150 PU, and you will have 200 PU at level 20.
Time compressor : This is a rare item, that can be found at different locations, in a totally random manner. Once brought back to your colony, its use is possible from your Headquarters or from your General Warehouse. You can only store at most 250. It allows to divide by 2, the time remaining construction of a building. This requires that the building is already under construction, in order to use on it.
Energy management : The storage capacity of the Power Plant is given by the formula : 1500 + 250 x Level of the Power plant. So a maximum capacity without Superaccus of : 1500 at level 0. 1750 at level 1. 4000 at level 10. 5250 at level 15. etc... Each level of the Power Plant entitles adding a Superaccus, whose energy storage capacity is 1000 each. So a maximum capacity with Superaccus of : 2750 at level 1. 14000 at level 10. 20250 at level 15. etc... These Superaccus are subject to prerequisites, including a particular search : Supercapacitors. Just as Cells that require research Photonics. If your Power Plant is full, it means that your available energy, ie to consume and that specified in the resource bar at the top of your screen, is at its maximum, but also that you produce more waste. It will then be impossible to add more cells to your power plant, until you have not used this energy. Or if you have the prerequisites to use it, until you add Superaccus to increase this limit.
Influence of waste : The amount of waste affects the state of the colony, and thus the state fleet during their creation and repair, but also on your ground defense (Defense Base and Turrets). This state is not seen in espionage. For every 10 000 waste, you loose 1% of your status. But this can vary after level 10 of the Recycling Center, by the formula : 10000 x (((number of Recyclers + number of Refurbishers) / 20) - 5) Warning : you can only use the waste collection center once every 24 hours.
Cost of building construction : basic price x 2(actuel_level - 1) The construction price of Parc Orbital is increased according to its level, after level 10. Some research reduces construction costs. In all cases, the construction price of a building is capped at 18 000 000 000 000 000 000 credits and therefore cannot exceed this value.
Construction time of buildings in seconds : base_time x actual_level3 - (1000 x HQ_level2) Without this construction time being less than the base time. Longer the HQ is developed, less we puts time to build a building. Construction time and resources to the Defense Base after level 7, and the BEM Generator after level 3, are multiplied by the current level. Base Defense may not exceed level 10. BEM Generator can not exceed the level 6. The other buildings don't have level limit. The number of Turrets in Defense Base is limited to 70. The number of Solenoids in BEM Generator is limited to 20. The construction time of the Orbital Park is increased according to its level, after level 10. Some research reduces construction time.
Repair time of a colony after the last attack : 0 à 10% : your colony is repaired at a rate of 1% per minute 10 à 30% : 2% per minute 30 à 60% : 3% per minute 60 à 80% : 2% per minute 80 à 100% : 1% per minute Your colony will be at 100% one hour after be at 0% during last attack.
Espionage : The number of simultaneous spy missions depends on the Headquarters level and the number of spies : Max = rounded_up (nb spies / HQ level) The espionage time of a colony depends on the number of spies and HQ levels on each part. With 5 possible spies by Headquarters level, and a spy can do spying and espionage against. Time base of a spy (thus equal power) 5 minutes so a coef = 5 The colony A spy the colonie B : HQ power ratio : HQR = HQB / HQA Espionage power ratio : EPR = spiesB / spiesA Espionage time in minutes : T = (coef x (1 + (EPR / HQR))) / 2 The Counterintelligence indicator is so the Espionage power ratio in percentage and therefore if it's greater than 100% target has more spies than you. If the espionage time exceeds 15 minutes, you are spotted, the mission is a failure and plotted on DSC Network.
Docks A dock is assigned to each ship, whether the ship is in a fleet or free. Some research makes it possible to release docks, so the ships concerned do not numbered. Docks of Spaceport : Number of docks in Spaceport : round_up (4 + 1,5 x level2) Added to this are 3 docks per your grade level. Warning : If your Spaceport is in overcapacity (docks in red) more than 5%, your fleets cannot land. Docks of Orbital Park : 3 docks per level of Orbital Park. After level 10 : 3 + round_up (level / 10)
Storage at Resources Warehouse : The number of Containers in the Warehouse is function to the level of the Warehouse, ie 1 per level. Same for the Silos, at the rate of 1 Silo all 3 levels of the Warehouse. A Container stores only one type of material at a time and its capacity is virtually unlimited. A Silo also stores only one resource type at a time, but its capacity is limited to 1 000 000 of units. Do not need a Container or Silo : Credits, Ore, Exotic Ore, Antimatter, Waste, Gems, Temporal Compressors and "Alien Theory" type Artifacts. Some are stored directly in the Spaceport such as Speed or Power Multipliers, Super Compressors of Cargo, Orbiters and Orbital Bombs. Materials stored in Containers are marked with a C. Resources stored in Silos are marked with a S. The Kraft, a sort of meta exotic ore extracted on other planets, cannot be stored, it must always be treated in orbit by a Transkraft ship.
Number of Countertops in the Businness Agency : The number of Countertops depends on the level of the Businness Agency (1 by level). A countertops only sells one type of resource at a time and its capacity is virtually unlimited. A sale can be declared as local, only the colonies of your planet will then be able to buy the item. A sale can be either direct, so the buyer obtains the item without delay, either only with bids, or the two. In this last case, existing bids are canceled if a buyer accepts the direct price. Each sale is for a period of 7 days for materials and resources. For ships this duration depends on the generation of the ship sold : 28 days for generation 1
21 days for generation 2
14 days for generation 3
7 days for generation 4
Generation / Power : Generation x = Power 2(x-1) So : Ship of generation 1 named G1 = P1 (power 1), Ship of generation 2 named G2 = P2, Ship of generation 3 named G3 = P4, Ship of generation 4 named G4 = P8.
Generation / Speed : Speed = 2 + ( Class + Slot_type ) x Generation The overall speed of a fleet is given by the slower ship on the highest rank (slot).
Generation / Transport capacity : Number of slots : nb = (generation x slot_type) + 1 - generation So : Trooper = 2 slots of type 1 Trailer = 3 slots of type 1 Carrier = 4 slots of type 1 Slipper = 5 slots of type 1 Cluster = 2 slots of type 2
Construction time of ships in seconds (also applicable to building materials) : time_base - (time_base x nb of robots x 1%) So the more the manufacturer plant is developed, the more we can have workshops and thus robots and less time we put to build a ship.
Return time of a damaged interplanetary fleet (times are in seconds) : 48 x (% damage)2 + normal time for return = effective time of return. For internal flights (on the planet) the damage did not affect the flight time. If you don't want to block your fleets several days in Hyperspace, always remember to repair before the return on your planet. By paying attention that a fleet can be repaired at 0% only once to this state, then the return will be mandatory.
Booty : Booty of furtive attack : 1 of credits and 5% of ore. Booty of raid on colony : 1% of credits and 10% of ore. Booty of raid on Capitale : 800 x power of the Capitale on last fight in credits and around 50 x this same power in exotic ore. Added to this is a booty, on landing troops, depending on the number of landed Cyborgs. Artifact : On certain actions, you can get an Artifact . Some allow to transform it, from the fleet that holds it, into various bonuses for the fleet. Others have a more targeted action, as follows : A legend says : "All together, they will give the Key of the Movement"... Another legend says that : "Accumulated, they will give the Key to the Power"... A legend also says that there would be one named "The Key of the Quota"... Only the Artifact named "Alien Theory" must be returned to your Colony for its use. Compression of cargo : On certain actions, you can get a hold of compression of cargo. This will multiply by 2 or 3 the cargo capacity of your fleet. This compressor will be lost at any unload, to your colony or on a support fleet. Beware of cargo explosions : If your cargo fleet is full and you try to fill again, you risk exploding the cargo (1 chance of 2), This will result in damage to your fleet to 50% of its state and the loss of all your cargo. Only immaterial items are not included in the cargo hold count, such as credits, logbook fragments, stock portfolios and vouchers. The energy it counts only for 1, whatever the quantity in the hold. All the rest is taken into account, and therefore can cause a cargo explosion and be lost if there is not enough room in the hold, exceptions made for artifacts, prisoners and time compressors that are embedded whatever it happens, but that can be lost if the rest explode the cargo hold...
Rates of Supplier : Waste collection is free. Repairs to your colony will cost 500 credits, by % of damage. But this repair is possible only 2 minutes after the last attack.
Patrouilleur : This is a ship to detect and expel enemy fleets from doing missions on your planet, and only them. It is from generation 4, can not be plugged into a carrier (as supporters and suppliers). It is faster than the others and has no attack power. The detection can be done only from 2 positions : - to orbit - from a mission It detects, in the scope of its detection range, only the enemy fleets that target a mission. This radius is function of the number of satellites and relay which you have in your Communication Center, according to the formula : Radius = Number of Satellites + (2 x Number of Relay) More the enemy fleet is close and more the signal is clear, stealth fleets can be detected only at 50% of its field of action. The Patrouilleur can then expel the enemy fleet that if he makes himself the mission targeted by the enemy fleet, it is necessary to properly target the direction of the detected fleet and act during combat of the target fleet and before it leaves the mission. During the expulsion of the enemy fleet, he confiscated 50% of the loot, within its own cargo limit. This capture is accompanied by a gain of experience. The expelled fleet returned on the enemy colony at the speed of 100 warp without penalty due to his condition or weather. You can not have more than 3 Patrouilleurs active simultaneously, whether or not in the same fleet. Use of Patrol relies on two research : - Planetary detection - Patrouilleur It also requires : - Communication Center level 12 - Spaceport level 15 Particular case : If a detected fleet is positioned on an expired mission that no longer exists on the map, send button then appears and you can expel by sending your Patrouilleur fleet on the enemy fleet.
Calculation rules
General Store Prices : The prices of construction equipment and ships are set daily, on the basis of the average value of the stock prices of the ore and exotic ore. Higher were the prices of ore and exotic ore the day before, higher are the prices of the General Store, and vice versa. To benefit from more attractive prices, it is advisable to order at the DSC Shop or to call directly to your compatriots.
Some of calculus formulas : Population = (habitats2) + (ludoparks x 2%) with 10 habitats and 2 ludoparks per level of housing complex. Energy = 10 cells max per level of power plant. Capacity of energy storage : 1500 + 250 x level of power plant + 1000 x number of Superaccus. Production of one cell is function of the level of your power plant. 1 cell = Max theorical capacity / 10 Ore / h = ( (Digger x 10) x 1.1level) + (conveyors x 1%) with 10 digger and 10 conveyors per exploitation level. Waste / h = (Ore Production / 20) + (Energy Production / 30) + (Population / 30) + (Number of Workshops x 50) + (Number of Robots) Research = initial time - ( level of center x (labs2 + 10*Researchers) + 11) Time of Training and Reform : Researchers : rounded_up(86400 - (86400x(Universities+1)/100)) Technicians : rounded_up(57600 - (57600x(Technopolis+1)/100)) Soldiers : rounded_up((3600 - ((3600*(Genetic laboratories+1)/50) + (3600*(Cyborg workshops+1)/100))) Officers : rounded_up((3600 - ((3600*(Genetic laboratories+1)/100) + (3600*(Cyborg workshops+1)/50))) One Processor generates 10 processing units. If you have the Quantum Processor technology : One Processor generates 20 processing units. Weather is over 4 days, with a random selection made on 9 states for 4 weather conditions. With the first 6 to good weather for scarce bad weather. A search time can never be less than 5 minutes. A formation or reform time of a Researcher or Technician can never be less than 30 minutes. A time of making or reform a Soldier can never be less than 5 minutes. A time of making or reform an Officer can never be less than 10 minutes. A manufacturing time can never be less than 5% of the initial time. The number of Processors in the Headquarters cannot be less than 2 times the level of the building, after level 3. The number of Power Plant Cells cannot be less than 2 times the level of the building, after level 3. The number of Habitats in the Housing Complex cannot be less than 2 times the level of the building, after level 3. You can find how the Base Price and Manufacturing Deadlines for Materials and Ships were calculated on this spreadsheet One Recycler treats 5 waste / hour and extract 15% of Ore. One Refurbishers increase by 1/5 the Recyclers labor.
Grade promotion : The maximum experience before passing to the next grade is calculated by : M = 10 000 x 2(grade-1)
Experience gains : (a variable part can be added in cases with a *)
Development of a building | 100 points per level of the building |
Conduct training | 20 points per researcher, technician, soldier or officer |
Make a sale | 0.1% of the sale price, limited to 1000 points |
Perform a research | 200 points |
Win auctions | 100 points |
Espionage | 5 points |
Full credit repayment | 250 |
Recovery of an investment | 100 |
Making an investment | 100 |
Make a sale Ore/actions | 10 |
Making a purchase Ore/actions | 10 |
Withstand Raid* | 500 |
Protect a colony against a raid* | 300 |
Furtive attack | 10% of the quantity of ore stolen |
Battle won* | 1000 + 10% of the quantity of ore stolen |
Mission completed* | 100 + 10% of the collected booty, off credits |
Liberation of Capital* | 1000 |
Occupation of Capital* | 100 + 10% of the collected booty, off credits |
Station defeated* | 1000 + 10% of the amount of what is stored on the station |
Waste collection (Supplier) | 1% of the collected quantity |
Expulsion of fleet (Patrouilleur) | 10% of the captured booty off credits |
Drilling successfully | 300 |
Looting (non-empty cargo) | 1000 |
Successful comet exploration* | 1000 (decreasing) |
Successful gravitational singularity exploration* | 1000 (decreasing) |
Amount of possible loan : 150 000 x (grade rank)2 So the more one is graded more you can borrow at a fixed rate of 12%. Borrowing may be incurred if the previous is repaid. Two loans should be spaced at least with 7 days. Interest incomes are paid equally to the budget of each planet.
Calculation of investment rate : Base rate = 5 * square root (100 000 000 / amount invested) This base rate is valid for an investment on 7 days. It is multiplied by 1.5 for an investment on 14 days. It is multiplied by 2 for an investment on 21 days So it may vary from 0.05% to 400% depending on the amount invested and the investment period. So the more you invest, the lower the rate is important, but more time you invest, more money you get. Once the due date reached, your money is available and you can get it whenever you want or reinvest.
Purchase Voucher
Purchase Vouchers : Purchase vouchers, obtained either at grade promotions or on certain missions, allow ships to be obtained free of charge from the General Store. There are general purchase vouchers, valid for all types of ships. And others whose generation and class of ship(s) are specified.
S.A.S. / Recovery argus
Recovery argus : The Serice After-Sales (S.A.S.) allows to sell its unused ships to General Store. Beware, your ship's takeover price is that of the base price and not the current selling price charged by General Store. Similarly the energy and the settler expended on the purchase of your ships will not be refunded, they are sold with the ships.
Orders / Calls for tenders at DSC Shop
Buyers : You can place orders in DSC Shop with other colonies. Unlike the tender system, it's the buyer who sets the price. An order is only valid for 7 days, as long as there is no answer, and who has placing the order sets the price. But beware : If your order is accepted by a seller, this does not reserve to you the equipment you ordered, except if you demand the delivery. If you don't demand delivery, it will be at most a local sale, if the seller is on the same planet as you. Similarly, if you do not have the resources and funds necessary when sending delivery, the seller may act as if you had not demanded to be delivered. The seller has three days to sell or deliver the order, once it accepted. A message is sent to the colony who placed the order, when it is accepted by a seller. A second message is sent, when the order is for sale if it is not delivered.
Sellers : Once the order has been accepted, it appears under Orders in the Businness Agency of the seller. You can accept an order with delivery if you have a fleet of cargo ships. If the ordered items are available in stocks of the seller, a sell button allows to directly sell the amount of requested objects, to the rate fixed by the buyer if he did not demand to be delivered. If the delivery is required, a send button appears if you have a fleet Cargos free, and having a cargo size sufficient. In all cases, the seller has 3 days to make the requested items. After this time, the order is again available for other sellers. On departure of the fleet of delivery, the buyer is notified by mail that his order is being delivered. If the order is for sale, the buyer is notified by mail that the order is available. If buyer and seller are from the same planet, the sale is declared as local, else the sale is open to everyone.
Calls for tenders : You can make a call for tenders, to which all other colonies can answer. Unlike the order system, it is the seller who sets the price, and transport is provided by the services of Universal Expedition. Once an offer is accepted, you can, via your Commercial Agency, request delivery by Universal Expedition, but make sure you have the necessary credits and prerequisites for your purchase. The transport is immediate but will cost 1% of the sale price to the buyer. When accepting an offer, if there are other answers for this call for tenders, they are automatically canceled. You can delete a tender, as long as there is no response. Otherwise you will have to wait until the response time has expired. A call for tenders is only valid for 7 days, as long as there is no response. When you respond to a call for tenders, and the tender is not accepted within the time limit, or an other offer than yours is accepted by the tenderer, you immediately recover the object of the offer (ie. your ships, material or resources).
Senate Elections
The election returned the representative and manager of your planet, which will take over the management of its budget. You can be candidate from the rank of Sergeant and participation to the vote is possible from the rank of Corporal. The results of the elections are held every 21 days. The candidatures are possibles 10 days before the next balloting. Voting are opens 5 days before the balloting. Once votes are open, you can neither cancel nor be candidate. In case of a tie during the count, as there is only one round of voting, the first registered is declared the winner. The mandates are not automatically renewed. If there is no candidate for a planet, it will not have a manager.
Planetary budget / Doctrines
If you are elected as a manager of your planet in the elections of the Senate, you can on budget management screen, declare taxes or subsidies on various listed transactions. The funds thus collected or spent, are taken out of the planet budget, which you manage. Grants can, for example, help to counteract a mandatory fee, like that of 5% on the purchase of stock market shares or the 10% following the loss of the Guerrilla. Taxes and subsidies can therefore also be used to encourage or discourage certain transactions. However, they can not exceed 80%. Taxes and subsidies are divided into 3 grade ranges. If you are not elected, this screen is only advisory purpose concerning taxes and subsidies. A negative value represents a tax (in%) on the transaction in question and that for your entire planet and for the selected grades range. A positive value represents a subsidy on the transaction. A value of 0 has no effect. The subsidies are not applied if necessary funds are not available to the planet budget, they are therefore not shown on the screens concerned. If a change of these values is made, no other changes can be done within next 24 hours. On the main budget screen, a details button allow to see the indicators of collected/spent credits as appropriate (tax or subsidy) per category. The loan interests returned to the budget are reset to 0 at each election. The accumulated donations are resetted every 7 days. Taxes and subsidies are resetted to 0 at each election. A Reset button exists to reset the indicators in the cumuls of the budget and of the doctrines, these buttons are accessible only by the manager. You can, whether elected or not, give credits to the fund of your planet, these payments are limitless value or time. Interest incomes of DSC Bank borrowings are paid equally to the budget of each planet.
The doctrines provide certain capabilities to all of your planet colonies. Their activation involves a hourly cost charged to the budget of the planet but a budget limit can be set. In case of insufficient funds in the budget during the time of activation, or if the budget limit is reached, the set of doctrines is disabled, and the senator is warned by a message. A Reset button exists to reset the indicators in the cumuls of doctrines, this button is accessible only by the manager. Similarly a button Audit allows to view the list of colonies that meet the criteria for the effects Spaceline, Geodis and Volta.Doctrines "No secret"Inquisition : Allows to know the doctrines used by other planets. Cost : 50 000 Credits. Spy reports : Allows the display of all espionage informations taken by all the colonies of the planet. Cost : 50 000 Credits. Detection of enemy fleets : Allows the list display of all enemy fleets (except stealth fleet) present on the planet. Cost : 100 000 Credits.Doctrines "Minimum temporis"Holtzman effect : Its action reduces by half the time in Hyperspace of all fleets on the planet when they return to the colony. The effect is not retroactive and not applied in the case of expel by a Patroller. Cost : 2 000 000 Credits. Quanta effect : Its action allows Cyber Defenses level 10 and above to halve the redevelopment time of AntiBEM viruses but prevents the use of the corresponding antivirus during the activation time of doctrine. Cost : 2 000 000 Credits. Spaceline effect : Allows ships of generation 1, back to their colony, to double their speed. But the return can not be stopped. Cost : 50 000 Credits.Doctrines "Evolution"Geodis effect : Allows optimization of Mining Facilities level 8 and below, thus doubling their production without increasing waste production. Cost : 50 000 Credits. Volta effect : Allows an overcapacity of 20% in Power Plants Level 5 and below. Cost : 50 000 Credits.
If the penalty caused by the waste on a Colony reaches 50%, the Senator can decide on its cleaning by the waste service, taking the necessary amount from the budget of the planet . If the "Cleaning by Supplier" option is not activated on a Colony, and the Colony has been inactive for more than 10 days, the option can be activated by the Senator. Only one of these actions can be done every 24 hours, regardless of budget or doctrines changes.
Periods : The start and end dates vary from one Guerrilla to another. They are displayed on Guerrilla's screen. These dates are not always known and therefore displayed, but in all cases you are warned by an announcement, at the beginning of each Guerrilla, as for its end. A Guerilla lasts from 48 to 96 hours, and two Guerrillas are spaced out from a truce period, ranging from 24 to 72 hours. A Guerrilla always starts at the beginning of the hour, and ends at the end of the hour, and only the end date of the fight is taken into account for these times.
Participation : If your grade at the beginning of the Guerrilla is equal to or greater than Second Lieutenant, you can and should participate. If you get the rank of Lieutenant during a period of Guerilla, you will need to wait until the next to participate, and your blazon will be catchable also in the next Guerrilla.
Principle : You have to go catch a blazon of each enemy planet, in going attack an enemy colony which is participating in the guerrilla, and win the battle. All this while keeping your own blazon, and resist to enemy attacks. The final score for the planet is relative to the number of participants for the planet. In case of equality of scores between two planets, no winner, the Guerrilla is declared void. Each blazon is worth one point. Your blazon is taken account from the moment you have captured another. If you lose your blazon, you can go get it back by attacking and winning the fight against the one that had stolen, but you can retrieve only your blazon. There are then two cases : - You have no other blazon : you return to the starting position and score no point. - You have at least one other blazon : you get not only yours but score an extra point. Once recovered, your blazon becomes catchable again. It's possible to rob a blazon already stolen, but you could rob a blazon only if you own the blazon of the planet where you try to rob one, that you have yours or not. Example : I'm a Kepler, I have the blazon of Maru. So I can rob the blazon of Terra Nova on Maru. For each take of an enemy blazon, you also receive an extra point. At the end of the Guerilla, extra points will be counted if you have in your possession at least one blazon, yours or another.
Gain : During the Guerrilla : Openers (first attackers) win an instant bonus of 500 000 credits, if a follower capture a blazon in the 15 minutes following the attack. Those second opening win an instant bonus of 250 000 credits on the same principle. Attackers must of course be from the same planet. If during an attack, a blazon is captured and recovered another, then the openers each win 2 awards. For the winner of the blazon, a variable bonus, granted by your Senator on the budget of the planet, can be won at each take of blazon. Happy hour : Twice a day, for an hour, instant bonuses for openers and followers, are multiplied by 5, and each capture of blazon is accompanied by an instant bonus of 500 000 credits. The start time is random, but during the period, an indication is displayed on the Guerrilla screen. At the end of the Guerrilla : Each active participant of the winning planet, receives 2 500 000 credits by captured blazon. All colonies of the winning planet are exempt from tax, on the purchase of ore and exotic ore. This exemption is valid until the result of the following Guerrilla. The participants of the planet arriving second receive a bonus of 1 250 000 credits, for each captured blazon but no tax exemption. All participants, of all the planets, receive 500 000 credits per blazon taken (column "Catches" from the Guerrilla screen). Bonus Objectives : If active, you will get the name of the 2 Colonies which you will need to have the blazon at the end of Guerrilla, then you will get additional points and a corresponding premium : 1 point and 300 000 credits if you have at least one blazon of your objectives and 3 points and 1 500 000 credits if you have the two. Note that these objectives may be the same for other participants... The objectives are always of equal or higher rank to yours except for generals where there may be a difference than one or more stars. The Guerrilla screen specifies the objectives for each, visible by the planet, and visible by everyone once Guerrilla completed, putting the mouse on the column "Catches". Since the points are calculated and awarded at the end of Guerilla, scores displayed during Guerrilla are not necessarily the result turned out in the end of the Guerrilla...
Quests allow to obtain bonuses based on the number of completed quests. You can participate from the rank of Second Lieutenant. Individual Quests : Quests are daily and specific to each colony. Bonuses are paid at midnight to the colony. You will then : - Make 20 missions on each planet (power missions greater than 0). - Find 2 wrecks on each planet. - Win 2 attacks on each enemy planet. - Vote 4 times for Deep Space Colony on promotional sites listed on the Intergalactic Parliament. - Bring 3 gems to the colony. The gems are on certain missions and must be bring back to the colony to be accounted. They disappear each day at midnight. These quests will earn you 600 000 minimum credits each. With the exception of the one on promotion votes, they are cumulatives, ie if you collect 6 gems you will receive 2 times the corresponding bonus, 3 times for 9 gems, etc... If all the quests are done, the total amount of bonuses is multiplied by 10. Planetary Quests : Quests are daily and global to the planet. Bonuses are paid at midnight on the planet budget. The principle is the same as for individual quests but the totals are on participating colonies of the same planet. Bonuses have the same value as for individual quests except that if all the quests are done, the total amount of bonuses paid to the budget is multiplied by 20.
Planetary Defense : The Capitale provides the last bastion against the invasions of other planets by ground defense of the planet. To contribute you can send or teleport your troops Cyborgs which will ensure this defense on the ground, as you can attack other Capitales with your fleets of Invaders loaded with your Cyborgs. The maximum possible total of Cyborg which can be put in defense to the capitale is function of the smallest capacity of the planets, by slice of 200 Cyborgs, in the maximum limit of 1500 Cyborgs. If a Capitale is conquered or liberated, it is your duty to go retrieve your defeated Cyborgs stationed there to repair at your Colony. When boarding troops to the Capitale, are charged first your most damaged Cyborgs. During a fight, only those at 0% can be boarded. Only your colony can repair your Cyborgs, after landing and unloading, repair is done automatically. Warning : - The defeated Cyborgs who remain parked on a Capital are self-destructed, if they are not repatriated, in the period of : 3 days for Soldiers 5 days for Officers - If occupants do not put troops in defense, the Capital is considered as released. Bonus : If the Capitale resists attack, each Cyborg in defense whose state is greater than 0 before the fight brings 250 credits to his Colony. If the Capitale is defeated, the Colonies of the same planet as the winner, whose fleets were involved in the attack in the previous 15 minutes, receive 1/4 of the amount won by the winner multiplied by the number of attacks carried out. The winner gets a variable amount in credits and half of this value in exotic ore. Occupancy Tax : When a Capital is occupied, a tax is calculated based on the occupation time, at 100 credits per seconde of occupancy. The amount is deducted from the budget of the occupied planet and paid to the budget of the occupying planet at regular time interval and during the liberation of the planet or on occupancy by another planet.
Teleporter : It allows you to instantly send yours troops to your Capitale, and only in this sense and to this, if it is not occupied by the enemy. Its capacity is 10 Soldiers and 1 Officer per level of the building Teleporter. It also allows your compatriots, in your absence and with financial fee, to repatriate your Cyborgs whose state is 0%, from your Capital towards your Colony.
Cyborgs to repatriate : The repatriation of Cyborgs is only possible : - From your freed Capital - For the Cyborgs from another colony than yours - If their status is at 0% - If the owner and your colony possess an active Teleporter - If the owner's colony has the necessary credits - If the owner is not online Are repatriated in priority, Cyborgs with the shortest delay before self-destruction. This delay before self-destruction is 3 days for Soldiers and 5 days for Officers, it is launched as soon as their status is at 0%. Repatriation is paid half by the owner of the Cyborgs and the other half by you. The rate shown is what everyone will have to pay.
Mission Invasion
The invaders landed on our planet, it is a collective mission to all the planets : Governors, unite you face the invaders ! It is visible in the form of a star on your map, when the mission is active. Its power can not exceed 100,000 and is function of the number of assets from the rank of Captain in the last 15 days (x2000), it can be done, and appears only from Captain rank. This mission is autonomous and repairs, except from 100 to 95% at a rate of : 1% every 3 minutes in good weather and solar flares 1% every 4 minutes during a thunderstorm 1% every 5 minutes during storm The invasion moves, both in planet and position, as long as its state is greater than 5%. It never appears twice consecutively on the same planet and it is of fixed duration of 24 hours. If it is not attacked within 20 minutes of its appearance on a planet, it moves on to another. Same thing after 40 minutes, if there was no ending fight over the previous 20 minutes. Finally it moves whatever happens at the end of the hour. Warning : If the invasion moves when a fleet is under attack, the fleet of the attacker moves with the invasion. If the mission expires without being destroyed, a penalty is applied to the ore and credits colony whose governor has at least the rank of Captain. The penalty depends on the final state of the Invasion, and it's collected at the beginning of the next hour. The victory of the invaders can also have other unintended consequences... Bonuses on success (= Mission destroy) depend on the number and the power of the fleets sent. For each participant, a combination of the power of its fleets involved is done, and he wins : 250 Credits for each 1 power 25 Ore Exotic for each 1 power This bonus is paid at the beginning of the next hour, once the mission has been completed. So for example, you participate with 20 attacks with a P624, you win : 3 120 000 credits and 312 000 of exotic ore To this are added 2 bonuses : for the planet with the most participants : double bonuses (credits and exotic ore). for the one that gives the blow to the invasion : exotic ore and randomly debris and some bonuses... With the exception of debris that are immediately transferred into the hold of your fleet, winnings are paid directly to your colony during the next draw missions, ie at the beginning of the next hour on the mission success invasion. The list of specific battles on this mission is visible from the list of current missions via the Invasion button at the bottom of the screen.
Arrest Warrants
From time to time, a warrant may be issued for the capture of a dangerous criminal. These are visible from the Security Services of your Communication Center and are only valid for 48 hours maximum. The fugitive always hides within a colony and moves regularly. To find it, the Security Service gives you the latest available clue concerning it: - The planet on which it is located. - The rank of the governor of the colony that hosts it, but only if a spy mission took place after its arrival on this colony. Note that these clues are the same for all, and that spy missions can be done by all, not just you. If no espionage mission has yet been made, you can then buy clues, visible only by you, to more or less famous indicators of the galaxy. To capture it, you must attack the colony where it is hiding, and at the end of your fight, the colony's defense (Turrets) must be damaged by at least 50%. Once captured the fugitive, you must bring it back to the Capitale of your planet within 24 hours, where it is automatically imprisoned, while you receive your bonus. If you pass these deadlines, you lose the bonus and the prisoner disappears. For the Capital to accept the prisoner's extradition, the Capital must be under the exclusive control of its planet and not occupied by the enemy or free of any troops.
Fragments of logbook / Lost ship
The spatio-temporal distortions, used for travel into hyperspace, sometimes reject the lost ships of unfortunate adventurers. These distortions usually damage their electronic records, and their logbooks are often partial, and prevents us to clearly understand what happened to them. But what is certain, is that if they have found fortune, it was never safe, so be careful... Fragments of logbook : Like an echo, they are sometimes duplicated across multiple wrecks on crash zones, and once collected you can have the chance to complete them, and thus find the purpose of the shipment of these unhappy adventurers, and especially their lost ship. Any fragment found is automatically, and immediately sent to your Spaceport, where analysis can be made, so this is where you can read them. Lost ships : The spatio-temporal distortion done that they are identifiable, if you are nearby, and if you have at least a log fragment in relation. So your looking fleet of these lost ships, have to be stopped on the same orbit to be able to see it on the map. It's only when the corresponding mission is done, or expired after 8 hours, that the mission is visible to all. When the mission is done, all the logbook fragments related to this mission are deleted. Note that the detection of Lost ships can be done only with a fleet of Renifleur ship, specialised ship into the detection of lost ships. The mission may be done by the fleet of Renifleur or other combat fleet, that is to say capable of executing missions.
Food & Resources / Moral of the colony
The production of food, resulting from hydroponic greenhouses, requires resources: - Water : which can be extracted on asteroids. - Nitrogen : which can be extracted on asteroids. - Keplerium : which can only be extracted on the planet Kepler. - Terranovarium : which can only be extracted on the planet Terra Nova. - Marurium : which can only be extracted on the planet Maru. The Keplerium, Terranovarium or Marurium, are extracted by the mining facilities, under condition of having done e Geological Analysis research. These resources can also be purchased from the DSC Shop, if other colonies sell them, or can be plundered on enemy settlements using stealth fleets made with Maruder ships. Food can also be bought and sold directly to the Food Bank : DSC Food.
Resources such as water, oxygen, nitrogen, titanium or silicon, are automatically handled by the colony, as long as the the population of the colony does not exceed 5 000 settlers (total of Distribution of settlers + free Settlers, Researchers and Technicians), and 7 000 settlers for the food. Once this limit reached or exceeded, it is necessary to provide the colony, with resources as needed. And each of these resources so need one or more Silos or Containers to the Warehouse, depending on the case, to be stored. Their filling has to be monitored so as not to lose resources. The specified consumption is for the entire population of your colony, for one day.
Lack of resources can cause disorders in the colony, such as strikes in some buildings or even riots. A building on strike then has a reduced production capacity of 50%, And is reduced by 75% in case of riots. Some building functions can also be blocked. To calm these movements, you can call on the Homeland Security of the Security Services at the Communication Center, whose action is immediate but limited in time. However, the best thing is to ensure the supply of resources. The Ludoparks of the Housing Complex can also help to maintain a good atmosphere in the Colony, their action is not always immediate but more durable than the of the Security Services. The morale of the colony can worsen only every 4 hours. There is never strike or riot for the Communication Center, the Housing Complex, the Power Plant, the General Warehouse, the Spaceport, the Hydroponic Complex, the Galactic Exploration Center, the Defence Base and the BEM Generator.
Galactic Exploration / Modules / Stations / Drones
Each module assembled causes an adding weight to the total weight of your ship. Depending on this weight and power of the engine selected, your ship will move faster or slower. At this starting weight is added the weight of the cargo, which does not influence the intersystem flight time but only the local flight time. To build a probe, and activate it, all modules are required. So, all probes have the same weight and move at the same speed (700 warp), with the same autonomy. To build a ship, and activate it, you need to have at least one module of each : - Choose an engine among 3 : (speed given with a ship without cargo, with only one tank and one container) * FAR 1 engine : of a weight of 4 tonnes, it allows a speed of 300 warp. * FAR 2 engine : of a weight of 6 tonnes, it allows a speed of 394 warp. * FAR 3 engine : of a weight of 8 tonnes, it allows a speed of 490 warp. - One or 2 Antimatter Tanks, it's the fuel of your ship and is also the refuel reserve, for missions of this type. The capacity of a tank depends on the selected engine type. - A Board Computer module, mandatory. - One to 4 Containers, each of which contain 50 tonnes of material. - A Main Deck, mandatory. - A Navigator module, mandatory.
From the Galactic Exploration Center you can assign a task to your galatic ships and send them to external systems. The map of a system is so divided into two steps : - A high orbit, called Quadrant. - A low orbit, comparable to that activated on the planets. The Probes sail on the Quadrants and detect asteroids and the ships that cross in low orbits. Each probe displays permanetly the detection on 9 boxes (quadrant) of asteroids being under it, and the number of vessels under only its quadrant. By selecting a probe, a Detect button displays the vessels detected on the 9 cells surrounding the probe. The ships, by mission, can sail in low or high orbit (quadrant). The Asteroids are only found on low orbits, and you can only see that if a probe has detected. Same goes for the ships of the other colonies. A mission is assigned to a ship for the duration of its trip. To change the assignment it will have to return to the colony. The missions are of 6 types : - Detect: This mission concerns only the Probes to detect Asteroids and enemy ships. - Drill: To send a ship to exploit detected Asteroids. - Refuel: To refuel your ships or stations in need of antimatter and eventually, unload them. Repair stations. - Capture: To intercept and recover your Probes once exhausted their antimater. - Attack : To intercept and loot the cargo of enemy or Stations or Aliens ships detected by your probes. - Manual Mode : This mission allows you to remotely control the ship and perform drilling and attacks. Once the mission assigned and the ship sent and arrived at its destination, the Map, or Manual Mode as appropriate, button from the Galactic Exploration Center, then display the map with the ship in selection in order to carry out actions related to its mission. In the case of a flight in Manual Mode, if the state of your ship is 0% it is automatically set to 100% when you take control, and the antimatter necessary for its restoration, directly taken from its own stock. Notes : - The capture of a probe recovers only the probe body, the rest being lost at launch. To send it again in mission, it must be reassemble a full probe into the Orbital Plant, where the probe body is deposited on unloading the ship. - The time allowed between 2 attacks of the same ship depends on the type of mission of the targeted ship. The looting is 25%. - Ships enter and exit from the low orbit map through the center of the map.
Space Stations : The Pegasus and Celina galaxies each have a space station. They have the purpose of being able to deposit there what your ships of attack or of drilling have been able to collect. You can then come with a ship on a refueling mission to pick up what you have deposited there, but also refuel the station in antimatter and repair it if necessary, all this if it is not occupied by another planet. Attack vessels can either unload them, if the station is free or occupied by your planet, or attack / occupy it if it is not occupied by your planet. In case of victory, you get a percentage of what the resort hosts, plus an exotic ore bonus, within the limit of what your ship can load. With each combat you consume antimatter embarked on your ship. After an attack, the station repairs itself on the same principle as the colonies, but you can use a ship on a refueling mission, use the antimatter of the station to repair it, if you have control of the station and is not being attacked. The stations move within their galaxy, so a ship in the process of attack can be moved with it.
Objectives on Stations : Daily objectives can be done to obtain the bonus awarded to each of these missions. Some objectives can be performed several times, others not (indicated by the Unique column). Refueling or unloading missions are to be carried out in a single operation, and the quantities are those required at minimum. The bonuses are paid immediately to your Ship, except the mission of occupation for which the bonus is paid directly to your Colony at midnight.
Combat drones : Drones can be built directly from the space station. Their construction uses Titanium and Silicon that you have previously unloaded on the station. Each drone weighs its equivalent in Titanium and Silicon, or 5 tons. Drones can attack any enemy ship in the vicinity of the station, ie on its quadrant or adjacent ones. Only one attack at a time is possible but the attack can be made by several drones at a time. The effectiveness of the drones varies according to the number sent and the energy reserve of the target during the attack. Drones are single-use and are therefore lost after the fight. Note that any action on drones is impossible if the station is under enemy control.
Meteor shower
A meteor rain can appear anywhere and on one planet at a time, but never two times consecutively on the same planet with a 10 chance to appear every hour and only if the previous is completed. It may have a variable duration ranging from 15 to 59 minutes around. Its action is to put 50% of their state all previously stationed fleets, going to park, doing a mission or any other action, without any notion of altitude. There is no direct damage to the colonies in this orbit, only fleets are impacted. You can see on the panel Informations of DSC News of the Communication Center where and when was the last meteor rain.
Tornadoes may appear, they have the effect of scattering anywhere on the map the fleets that are in their orbit, except those on the ground in your colony and those in protection or reinforcement of a colony.
Comet : It can appear one or more comets on the map of the solar system. Their system crossing time is approximately 3 hours, period of time during which you can send your combat fleets, to find some resources. You'll get there sooner and larger will be the booty, but know that your fleets will not get out unscathed, and they will be ejected when loading will be done, without knowing where this will be done... You cannot have more than 3 fleets in flight to the same comet.
Gravitational Singularity
Gravitational Singularity : It can appear one Gravitational Singularity on the map of the galaxy. You can send a galactic ship there, to find some resources, including gravitons. You'll get there sooner and larger will be the booty, but know that your ships will be ejected when loading will be done, without knowing where this will be done... You cannot have more than 2 ships in flight to the same singularity.
Wormholes can appear, randomly on the map. They establish a direct link between two planets, allowing to travel from one point to another instantly and without consomation of Antimatter. Their duration never exceeds one hour.
Hibernation allows to stasis your colony during your absence. It's sort of a holiday mode. This is possible from the grade of Lieutenant (also for the entry in Guerrilla). Your colony is then under parliamentary protection, therefore unimpeachable : neither stealth nor raid. Your producers of ore and waste are blocked, other productions (Factory, Training and Research), remain active, building developments also, if were launched before hibernation. To exit hibernation, you must go through the hibernation activation screen from your colony. Note however, that any action on your colony or your fleets, will get you out of hibernation if you're not out before, except for the use of email, chat and forum. Once out of hibernation, you can go again into hibernation that 7 full days after your previous hibernation. Warning : Your colony is taken out from the Guerrilla from the next Guerrilla when of you activate the hibernation and for all subsequent Guerrillas. And that until the Guerrilla of your return. So : - If you turn on hibernation during a Guerrilla, you will be protected until after the end of the current Guerrilla. - If you disabled it during a Guerrilla, you can only participate to the following Guerrilla, but your deprotection she will be immediate. The number of hibernation possible days depends on your grade, this duration is specified on the confirmation screen. The count of the number of days of hibernation begins from its activation, that your protection is possible immediately or not. So, if you turn on a Monday after the start of the Guerilla, you will lose 5 days of protection. The countdown is on full hours. So if you start your hibernation at 14:12, it will end after the specified number of days, at 14:00. Idle time and suppression of the colony : The idle time of a colony is counted only from the expiration of your hibernation. After this time, your colony will be deleted as well as your user account. A reminder mail is sent after 30 days of inactivity, and one last raise at 50 days, to the email address provided at registration. Hibernation so allows to postpone this deadline.
Reset & Relocation
The Reset Card : It allows to restart the development of your colony and the tutorial, from the beginning. Upon activation, you restart the game on the same planet, only the choice of the location of your colony is reoffered. You will therefore be again to the grade of Draftee. The use of this card is with no limit, but you can only use it if : - Your colony is not under attack. - You do not have flying fleet. - All your fleets are disbanded. - You don't have current sale of Ship or Material. - You do not have Cyborg positioned on a Capital. - You are not responsible for the budget of your planet.
The Relocation Card : It allows to move its colony on another planet, or in another location on the same planet. The use of the card is a single use, whatever the grade. You can only use it if : - Your colony is not under attack. - Your colony is not being repaired. - You do not have a fleet on cover or reinforcement of another colony, nor in the course of attack or drilling. - You do not have deployed Support fleet. - You do not have Cyborg positioned on a Capital. - You do not have a galactic ship in action. - You are not responsible for the budget of your planet. Your fleets and galactic ships do not need to return to the Colony. The reinforcement fleet on your Colony is automatically revoked during the relocation move. You can't move to the most active planet, unless there is equality of actives with another planet, or if it's your planet and you want to change your location only. If a Guerrilla is in progress, you will come out, if you change your planet.