| Display detail informations of fleet |
| Stop the action of the fleet |
| Go back the fleet to the colony |
| Send the fleet to a destination to choose |
| Land a waiting fleet |
| Change the composition of the fleet at dock or on a fleet of Modifieurs
Possible only if its status is 100% |
| Delete the fleet, the ships are made available in the Spaceport.
Warning, Artifacts and all other objects in the hold will be lost. |
| Display the map with the fleet in selection |
| Spy a colony |
| Launch a stealth attack |
| Launch the attack against the target |
| Attack a fleet camped on your colony |
| Deploy on the orbit the Supporters, Transkrafts or Modifieurs fleet |
| Display the list of suppports present on the orbit of the fleet |
| Display the list of your Transkrafts fleets on the orbit of the fleet |
| Discharge exotic ore on support against crédits Discharge the Supplier of waste not discharged during landing |
| Repair the fleet with the Support, or repair a Colony in the case of Supplier |
| Embark exotic ore of your Support or Transkraft fleet |
| Collect the waste from a colony |
| Position the fleet in protection, either as reinforcements for another colony or as cover for one's own colony |
| Active detection of enemy fleets in the vicinity of the Patrouilleur |
| Expell from the planet, by sending to its home, the fleet detected by Patrouilleur |
| Patrouilleur analysis of the structure of the fleets stationed on a friendly colony or of the composition of the troops of a Capital |
| Embark troops of Cyborgs in a fleet of Invaders from the Colony or Capital Embark ships in hold of a fleet of Modifiers from the Colony |
| Debark troops of Cyborgs from fleet of Invaders to the Colony or Capital Debark ships from the hold of a fleet of Modifiers to the Colony |
| Start the drilling to extract the Kraft |
| Deliver your prisoners to the Capitale |
| Revoke the fleet in reinforcement on your Colony |
| Load goods on a fleet of Cargos |
| Display the trade screen with a Craftsman |